
EIA Annual General Meeting (Reminder)

REMINDER: Education in Action's Annual General Meeting is this Friday, May 17, 2024 at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP Education in Action at for details.

Due to unforseen circumstances, we have to change the date for the EIA AGM to Friday, May 17, 2024. A potluck dinner will now precede the meeting at 6:00 pm. Once again new time and date for the EIA AGM is 6:00 pm, Friday, May 17, 2024 and it will begin with a potluck dinner.

Please RSVP Education in Action at if you would like to attend and we will confirm with by sending you the meeting agenda.

If you have already RSVP'd, please re-confirm your attendance as a result of the date change.

Thank you for your solidarity and cooperation. We regret any inconvenience that these changes may have caused.

Education in Action's annual general meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP Education in Action at for the location and the meeting agenda.


Sandra Moran Webinar (Update: 2024-05-01)

If you were unable to attend the webinar, an online video of the event is available. Please concact us at to obtain the weblink and access information.

2024-04-12: Corrected QR code for the webinar link.

Our partner in British Columbia, BC CASA-Café Justicia, will be hosting a webinar by Sandra Moran. Sandra is a femiinist, artist, and LGTBQ activist in Guatemala. Her talk will focus on the lessons learned from the prevention of the recent slow coup in Guatemala and the upcoming challenges that facing the new government of President Arevalo.

Pre-registration is not required to participate. At the date and time of the webinar (Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 7:00 pm EDT), scan the QR code in the poster below or go to the webinar link For more information, please contact


Final Reminder: Café Justicia Roasting (2023-04-06)

Last call for ordering Café Justicia in the current roasting cycle. Please submit your orders by 12:00 noon, Sunday, April 7, 2024. Our ordering email is Please indicate the quantity and format with your order.

Education in Action will be a Café Justicia roasting in a couple of weeks. If you want fresh coffee, please send us your order by 12:00 noon, Sunday, April 7, 2024. Our ordering email is Please indicate the quantity and format with your order.

  • MB: Whole bean medium roast
  • MG: Ground medium roast
  • DB: Whole bean dark roast
  • DG: Ground dark roast

The coffee price is CAD$16.00 per Lbs. For orders outside of the Ottawa/Gatineau area, please include your shipping address with your order. Please note that you will be billed for the shipping cost outside the Ottawa/Gatineau area.

We still have limited stock of Café Justicia in stock for those who need coffee now.

If you are NOT on our email list but would like to be, please click HERE to subscribe.

Thank you for your solidarity and support.


Final Reminder (2024-02-02): Café Justicia Roasting

Tthe deadline for ordering Café Justicia in the current roasting cycle is quickly approaching. Please submit your orders by 12:00 noon, Sunday, February 4, 2024. Our ordering email is Please indicate the quantity and format with your order.

It's time for the first Café Justicia roasting for the year 2024.

But first, Education in Action would like to thank everyone again for for your support and solidarity in 2023 and epecially to those who contributed to our year end donation dirve. With your help we managed to slightly surpass our goal with a total donation amount of $2,129.

Now, Education in Action will issue a Café Justicia roasting order in a few weeks. If you want fresh coffee, please send us your order by 12:00 noon, Sunday, February 4, 2024. Our ordering email is Please indicate the quantity and format with your order.

  • MB: Whole bean medium roast
  • MG: Ground medium roast
  • DB: Whole bean dark roast
  • DG: Ground dark roast

The coffee price is CAD$16.00 per Lbs. For orders outside of the Ottawa/Gatineau area, please include your shipping address with your order. Please note that you will be billed for the shipping cost outside the Ottawa/Gatineau area.

We still have limited stock of dark and medium ground coffee in stock for those who need coffee now.

If you are NOT on our email list but would like to be, please click HERE to subscribe.

Thank you for your solidarity and support.


Happy Holidays from Education in Action

The board at Education in Action would like to wish you a happy holiday season and thank you for your continued support and solidarity with Guatemala’s campesino coffee farmers this year.

We would like to remind supporters that there is still time to contribute to our donation drive. We hope to surpass our target of $2,000. Please consider providing a contribution, which goes directly towards supporting education, housing and cooperative initiatives that improve the conditions of campesino communities in the rural Highlands of Guatemala. We greatly appreciate all the donations received so far! You can donate by via e-Transfer to "Education in Action" at or by mailing a cheque payable to Education in Action, 45 Washington Ave, Ottawa ON K1L 6S7.

Education in Action had a challenging year in 2023. Our main fundraising event at the New Art Festival was unable to go ahead as planned and increased transport costs have substantially impacted our capacity to deliver great affordable coffee to our supporters while generating sufficient relief funds. This is why your donations are so important!

For the first time since the Covid-19 outbreak, Leocadio Juracan, the Agrarian Reform Coordinator of the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA), conducted a tour of eastern Canada to raise awareness about the deteriorating human rights situation and political repression of Guatemala’s rural Indigenous population. In Ottawa, Mr. Juracan met with federal politicians and departmental officials as well as coffee roasteries as part of their campaign to build support and improve the plight of campesinos suffering continued violations. Please read the following article for more information on Mr. Juracan’s visit to Canada:

We have just finished the last roasting of Café Justicia for 2023 and plan on having another in late January 2024!

If you want to get directly involved with Education in Action, to promote the sale of coffee by word of mouth or just to learn more about our activities, we would love to speak with you!

Once again have a happy holiday season and thank you for your continued solidarity and support.