
Confirmation Required for 2010 Expedition Participants

As you know, the next delegation is set to travel to Guatemala in April 2010 for 2 weeks to continue working alongside our Guatemalan brothers and sisters.  This year as in the past, arrangements are being made for travel and accommodations in the month of January. To ensure the best available rates for travel and to allow our friends in Guatemala (CCDA) to arrange accommodations, we need to confirm with them as soon as possible the number of participants attending this year. 
There is room for 15 persons to participate in this year's project of which only a few places remain available.  If you are interested in being part of this year's delegation, you will need to send your confirmation by January 11th, 2010.
If you have any concerns or questions that will help confirm your decision, please feel free to contact either Roberto or Janet for further information.  Please confirm your presence to Roberto @ robertoxela2@gmail.com and Janet @ stjeanj@psac-afpc.com by January 11th, 2010.
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