Invitation to the Guatemala Project 2015

Education In Action invites you to participate in the next Education In Acton project in Guatemala for 2 weeks in spring, 2015. (Final dates to be determined later.)

The Education In Action (EIA) organization is supported in part by the PSAC Social Justice Fund and engages Canadian volunteers to deepen their understanding of Guatemala and building solidarity by working closely with the Comité Campesino del Altiplano (CCDA) who are strengthening communities in Guatmala.

CCDA is a grassroots’ co-operative working to protect the rights of subsistence farmers in Guatemala. They implement programs that provide financial assistance to small producers; promote gender equality and strengthen women's programs. The CCDA promote access to land, agrarian reform, labour rights and encourage the formation of women groups including supporting micro projects empowering women.

EIA is engaged in the building of new homes for families in need, and also provides support to CCDA’s education programs, their fair-trade coffee “Café Justicia”, their medical centre in Quixayá, the support of a teachers salary and more.

EIA Mission: Support the efforts of grassroots organizations to improve livelihoods of Mayan campesinos in Guatemala through initiatives based on social justice and fair trade.

EIA Vision:  Using education as a bridge to social change. To work in solidarity with coffee producers supporting community projects in Guatemala and encouraging the sale of fair trade organic coffee in Canada. Education in Action is committed to learning through cultural immersion and community outreach in the spirit of partnership and respect for indigenous peoples.

If you are interested in being part of the EIA Guatemala project in 2015 and would like more infoprmation, please send us an email or use out Contact Us page.

If you are 18 years and over and interested in being part of the EIA Guatemala project in 2015, please download and the application form below and return them to: / 613-560-2974/ or, mail it to:
PSAC Social Justice Fund
Ref: Guatemala 2015
233 Gilmour, 5th Floor
Ottawa, ON K2P 0P1

Application form (W Word format) (PDF format)