
« Roberto's Birthday Bash!!! »

Education in Action invites you to join us in celebrating Roberto Miranda's birthday!

When: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 7:30 PM until...
Where: Church of the Ascension, 253 Echo Drive
Here is a map:

LIVE MUSIC, Dancing and Cake!

In lieu of gifts, we would appreciate donations to the Education in Action project! Tax receipts will be provided for donations of $25.00 or more. Cheques can be made payable to "Rights Action".

Education in Action

In March 2007, Spanish teacher Roberto Miranda led a group of Spanish students from Health Canada, their friends and families on a trip to Guatemala to build simple houses for needy families.  The Education in Action (EIA) group was born! The second trip in March 2008 was equally successful. EIA hopes to continue this work in various community projects for isolated and neglected communities in Guatemala. The next trip is planned for March 2009. Visit this link for more information about EIA:

Café Justicia is produced by the Campesino Committee of the Highlands (CCDA), a farmer's organization working for labour rights and long term social change in Guatemala.  The organic and shade grown coffee is justly traded because producers are paid a rate that is approximately 60% higher than standard fair trade.  The CCDA also works to promote traditional Mayan agriculture. Visit this link for more information about CCDA:


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